Live Review

VSM Version History


Version:  8.22
Latest Update:  8.14.18


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2.x.19 ver. 8.3
Fixed non shipping bug for add by SKU wholesale option
Enhanced error reporting and handling for Authorize.NET settlement process
12.21.18 ver. 8.3
Newsletter export expanded to allow for more fields
Custom tax calculations added for ecom order process
Tax Exempt flag moved from group to member for ecom wholesale
Product series added - redefines products/options and inventory
Bug fixed with inventory corruption when user adding products from history
Product Attributes added to further define and extend products
8.14.18 ver. 8.22
HTTPS and HTTP toggles added to page list management
Fixed issue with on time option order amount
Schedule date and time added to newsletters
Newsletters now have preview text field for display on preview panel for mail clients
Additional smtp servers added and targeting from email servers allowed
7.17.18 ver. 8.21
Added new fields for Reminder service
Fixed coupon exclusive persistence issue
Newsletter reporting available from the schedule page
Newsletter pause/resume and cancel sending added with progress bar
Additional reporting elements added
Bounced emails for newsletters capture improved
New manage account added to newsletters
Opt in confirmation setting now available for suscribers
Code update for product display to improve overall performance
3.16.18 ver. 8.2
Fixed display issue with real-time shipping exemptions not always displaying
BETA version of new WYSIWYG editor in review
Coupon add refresh issue addressed and corrected
Free Shipping coupon now applies after all other coupons applied to pricing
10.30.17 ver. 8.17
Added cart display option to tracking email
Converted remaining flash charts to HTML5
8.15.17 ver. 8.16
Added Image 2 option table and admin to support dependent option image overlay support
Enhanced templated shopping cart
Support added for customization of billing and confirmation page cart display
Page social sharing information added using open graph
8.9.17 ver. 8.15
Shopping cart template engine added for customizable cart display
Reporting exception flag added to orders to allow more flexible reporting views
Multiple quick product editing added (currently beta)
Updates to shopping cart, checkout and mini cart displays
7.14.17 ver. 8.14
Flash replaced with new charting on Newsletter reporting
Added [#PRODUCT-STATE#] tag to ecom templates for product state (New, Used, Refurb)
Signature required field added for UPS deliveries
Ability to show group registration fields based upon group
Improved the product import utility to be more flexible including ecom templates, custom fields and images
Added checkbox type to ecommerce custom fields
Support added for Friendly URLs
Site templates now have a toggle to affect only unpublished pages or both
Fixed an issue where pagination on ecommerce products was not checking against the Display on Site field
Various other bug fixes
6.19.17 ver. 8.13
Added ability to toggle address fields for group registration
Fix duplicate category display in ecom related to new navigation structure
Update to newsletter reporting to correct display bug
404 page generates now if an ecom category cannot be properly resolved
6.12.17 ver. 8.12
Added navigation profiles to allow multiple navigation structures to a individual site
New page type filtering available for navigation layout
Pages can now be auto added into navigation without creating a custom link
Added enhanced order history display for with add to cart
Group email templates added for registration, forgot pwd, etc.
Default email address added for groups
Flag added allow auto registration by group rather than the site as a whole
New profile page added for group members
Corrected issue with categoryid maintaining selection through associated product list
4.20.17 ver. 8.11
Rebuilt order alert email structure
Added additional markup elements to order alert and tracking email templates
Added alert to homepage unpublish function
Pricing model added to option level for wholesale matrix
General bug fixes
3.23.17 ver. 8.1
Added weight to options to modify shipping for products
Page mapping added for products and groups for ecom display
Corrected display issue with multiple products and options on single display
Changed customs responsible party for payment
Non-ship, non-tax items no longer display in summary on email receipt
Newsletter subscriber now has added date and tracks where they were added from
3.8.17 ver. 8.09
Simplified shipping box size algorithm and user interface
Adjusted and improved FedEx configuration
Large image checker added to dashboard display with quick resize for every image within the site
Added higher level management to group member setting changes
Coupon report now includes sale total
1.17.17 ver. 8.08
Added quick SKU add to cart
Transaction companyname search added
CSS and Javascript auto minify added when saving template level files
Javascript file editing available for layouts
Add to cart functionality refactored
New Captcha added to replace old method
11.30.16 ver. 8.07
Fixed gallery insert bug on Chrome (No, really! It works!)
Added template support for galleries
New drag and drop image upload for ecommerce
Datepicker added to ecommerce forms
Add multiple store locations for ecommerce
Display on site flag for products is now limited to live site version
Added toggle for shipping information for estimates
9.19.16 ver. 8.06
Correct calculation issue with ecom order alert when modifying product pricing
Added dependant options capability
Option price can now modify all options and product price as a whole
Group registration by domain
Added form preprocessing for custom programming support
8.31.16 ver. 8.05
Added FedEx Label printing
Search by Coupon name added to transactions
Shipping and product item amounts editable by admin when placing an order
Add member button added to default group interface
General code clean up
6.16.16 ver. 8.04
Added "Save & Exit" button when editing products
Added API interface For USAePay
Updated backend ordering by adding Other Admin option to discount & override for billing bypass
New structure to product and category editing
Product editing moved to page instead of module to impove performance
Added shipping API for Speedship
General code clean up
Ecom fields can now be displayed based upon group level access
5.4.16 ver. 8.03
Updated the blog post editor to use a better editor with image selection tools
Added PayPal express check out to ecommerce websites
Corrected numerous shipping issues based upon specific configurations
4.1.16 ver. 8.02
Corrected import error with products not default setting type to retail
Fixed bug with Canadian provinces displaying for ecom checkout
Add PDF generation from ADM
Data Elements functionality extended to support custom programming based upon save trigger event
Accidentally introduced gnomes. Let us know if you find one.
3.8.16 ver. 8.01
Fixed problem with shipping limits on carrier at specific weight when common shipping selected
Corrected problem with apostrophe's in city for ecom checkout
Fixed issue with leap year and ecom sales reporting
Gallery display order corrected for numbered images
Fixed issue with more than one group in ecom check for newsletter not adding any subscribers
Bug with Ecom checkout newsletter checkbox display with group selection set to "Not Logged in" fixed.
1.14.16 ver. 8.0
PO Terms added to group members
Search orders by email as well as name
Refund/Discounts added for admin entry within transactions
Added additional shipping carriers to order tracking
Corrected issue with tile gallery links not updating from review path to live path
Fixed issue with zero quantity not removing
Added support for page editing using iPad/iPhone
Order editing allowed for completed orders
12.2.15 ver. 7.83
Added user defined keyword field to hide certain option values from displaying in cart
Sort order by condition added to products within a category
Added copy listing functionality within data listings
Corrected issue with querystring manipulation of product display
Fixed bug with save & add new product
Product quick inventory now sorted alpha by default
Added Ecom Page templating & customization to Thank you page for committed orders
Increased navigation depth from 4 to 5 levels
Fixed inventory timed release issue with product level inventory
Corrected bug with adding a new inventory item and the option not applying
Dramatically improved image selection page speed
10.13.15 ver. 7.82
Added ADoM (Adaptive Data 'object' Management) to VSM for more flexible data management and information retrieval (it's like butter, it makes everything better)
Enhanced blog import for RSS and WordPress to include images
Option to only save, versus save and email for ecom tracking numbers
Added Old Dominion LTL shipping API integration
Redeveloped Inventory system correcting multiple issues along with simplifying and increasing performance overall
Improved load speed performance on VSM dashboard
Redeveloped navigation system for improved performance and stability
Corrected ecom confirmation display issue with address 2
9.16.15 ver. 7.81
Fixed stale cart release for newly set up inventory on previous non-inventory products
Correct Title text formatting issue in some cases with Blog RSS feed
Box size now available for custom shipping on products
Added Google Shopping integration for ecommerce products
Added Brand Management for ecommerce products under Ecommerce >> Brands
Added Start and End dates for products that are on sale
Added dropdown selection for product State (New, Used, Refurbished)
Solved issue with same page name being created twice for two different pages
Fixed cancel order inventory removal issue
Corrected issue with orphaned carts not releasing inventory properly
Fixed Blog syndication localization date issue
7.22.15 ver. 7.8
Added Group Email log (under Groups >> Group Email Log). Failed emails can now be re-sent easily.
Corrected issue with Blog character encoding
Improved Newsletter diagnostics for removing bounced emails
Fixed bug with Paypal processing intermittenly failing
Created navigation compiler leading to significantly increased website load times
Added preorder condition for products
Forced newsletter groups to be default check for subscription
6.26.15 ver. 7.79
Corrected issue with cancel order when no options exist for a single product
Checkbox added to autopopulate shipping first and last name
Coupon number to redeem bug fixed
Shipping bug with location modifiers fixed
Image z-index layering added to product option groups
Customization added to group member email send
Added new notification email to group member
Fixed issues with Recaptcha not loading in some circumstances
6.17.15 ver. 7.78
Adjusted printing area for ecom labels
Order label printing now allows for editing prior to printing
Custom template layout added to order label printing
Toggle available to determine whether new address are auto added to logged in users
Added toggle for ecom addresses to display for members
Group Member ecom address fields added to admin area
Logging added for blog post history
Tooltip added to datalistings for the description field
Updated sort order for custom fields in ecom using drag and drop
Check out pre populates member information for logged in user
Custom layout for shipping labels added
Shipping address selection available for logged in ecom users
Billing address selects last used address for logged in user
Recaptcha updated to use new Google standard
Coupons redemption detail added to sales reporting
Purchase price thresholds reflected in sales reporting
5.26.15 ver. 7.77
Gallery id added to list display
Blogs now support galleries with tagging system i.e. [#GALLERY:123#]
Fixed tax issue calculating on shipping when product is non-taxable as per WAC 458-20-110
Billing country selection can be synced to shipping countries or show all countries
Increased load speed of Product edit modal
Fixed cross over issue with custom ecom tags
Enhanced ORM capabilities
5.5.15 ver. 7.76
Group selection added to product order search
Sales reporting can now be filtered by group or logged in status
File upload available as a custom field within ecom checkout
Fixed payment option selection with billpay/donation products
Ecom log-in order history now available
Product link added to cart
4.28.15 ver. 7.75
Added product condition to quick pricing
"Sold Out" added as product condition
Corrected email display for order confirmation
Improved SSL support for page content
Shipping Profiles can be assigned at a group level
Group level application added to coupons
Force Password selection available for Group member management
Fixed display issue with shipping zones
Added toggle to form processing to set From address
3.27.15 ver. 7.74
Display on site function added to ecom custom fields for checkout
Increased system performance for form submission retrieval
Corrected path issues with gallery description and ecom category internal page linking
Updated order export to include shipping fields
Blog RSS feed adjusted to include all content not just the first 1000 characters
ePN processing option added for ecommerce
Recurring payments added as bill pay option
Label printing now allows column and row starting positions
Group member shipping number placeholder added for ecommerce
Group member PO selection now has additional options for payment vs. skipping payment step
Enhanced code interface for data management increasing stability
2.24.15 ver. 7.73
Removed Bad Email diagnostic function that was overly aggressive in removing emails
Multple image insert added to Products with simplified process
Added customizable tracking number order email
Updated quick options to add/remove rather than replace all
Corrected image paths on multi-image uploader
Added FedEx LTL real-time shipping
User input for product option added
Add syndication feed for Twitter and LinkedIn
Blog display now supports independant display of post type or any combination thereof
1.21.15 ver. 7.72
Fixed issue with Charge/Authorize not saving properly within settings
Blog layout for posts reorganized
Ability to choose author from post
Date formatting preference selection added for posts
Order notification email customization added
Minor updates to Group module
Billing now supports all countries instead of just the ones selected for shipping
Shipping thresholds can be set based upon a weight level so certain types can be available depending upon the amount of product weight in the cart
12.31.14 ver. 7.71
Blog update for additional language support
Bug fix in directory creation
Fixed display issue with donation product and retail product cart display
Corrected error in Linear regression zone shipping algorithm
Adding ability to add notes to order
Updated shipping label printing with additional layout option
Orders can now be moved out of uncommitted to pending/completed
Drastically enhanced sales reporting
12.15.14 ver. 7.7
Quick product option correlation to product added to ecom
Updated VSM to .NET 4.0
Added additional tags to ecom layout
Various Blog updates and bug fixes
Paypal integration enhanced and help text added
Fixed shipping issue with custom shipping types and zones
10.29.14 ver. 7.69
Updated quick shipping to allow for easier updating to product shipping
Fixed SSL redirect issue that caused preview pages not to load properly
Group activation date added to user groups
Multi delete added to submission forms
Product image layering using product options added
File update capability added to products
Core system update including data and logic layer
Image selection added to blog posts
Added Blog to RSS syndication
Cancelled order logic updated to eliminate user hitting back button after submitted order to cancel
Refactored add to cart and update basket processing
Datetime validation available for custom fields
8.29.14 ver. 7.68
Update Blog posts with views and added widget for top posts based upon views
Cancelled orders added to ecom dashboard display
Added delete functionality to data elements reports
Delete selected added to form submission area
PO field now auto hides payment options when value is entered
Corrected less than a dollar rendering issue under category list display
8.18.14 ver. 7.67
Added timeout exception capture for checkout process
Fixed issue with creating a gallery using the same folder as an existing gallery
Added Resolve button to transaction manager for Authnet client review
Ecom update to add percentage discount to product options when item is on sale
Shipping day exceptions added for user defined days of week and specific days/holidays
Multiple categories can now be added for coupons
Coupons allow for tiered redemption based upon price or number of items
Product Sale item exclusion for coupons added
Minor bug fixes to ecom transactions display/function
7.25.14 ver. 7.66
Added support for displaying upcoming events to event list
Ecom categories now support custom fields
Blog Author Bios added
Ecom product/category reviews/testimonials feature added
Category import added for ecommerce
7.15.14 ver. 7.65
Cleaned up blog post editor--removed unnecessary buttons
Add to cart inventory management updated to change product status when out of stock
Added image captioning to blog post editor
Quick pricing amount removal button added
Product Shipping exemptions added to free shipping coupon
Blogs enhanced with various feature updates
Product reviews added to ecommerce
Various issues with Image rename resolved
Added video embed to blog post editor
Various bug fixes to blog system
Minor bug fixes to ecom transactions display/function
6.25.14 ver. 7.64
Pay by Paypal option added
Authorize.NET enhanced logging and more fields sent to processor
Image index added for better display control
Minimum order value for logged in users by group for ecom
Added unlimited images for products
Additional product display items can be now hidden for logged in users
Logging added for ecom order processing
Update Google xml sitemap for better rendering for Data elements
Product option group level display toggle added
Apply Once flag added for product options to apply independently of product quantity i.e. set-up cost for product
6.13.14 ver. 7.63
Minimum quantity input added for products
Added a same tag merge function to blogs
Various Blog updates/fixes
Customer shipping number added to ecom for logged-in enabled users
Added Email sending log for all form submissions
Data elements added to xml sitemap
Product quantity field allowable size increased
PO field now available for group members in ecom check out
Exclusions can now be set on free shipping for individual shipping types
Category coupons can apply to all sub categories for a given category
Coupons can now be exclusive and only one coupon redeemed at check out
Quick link module viewable that exist on a given page
5.29.14 ver. 7.62
Fixed quick pricing for groups
Administrator registration approval flag added
Custom fields added to Group Manager
Member password hashing option added
Member email notification system updated and enhanced
Group manager registration updated and multi part allowed
Additional Tile gallery parameters added
Search added to group member admin section
Added scheduled publishing to blog
Improved data relationship for data elements many to one
Fixed receipt email issue for form submissions
Correct conflict with multiple products on a page with similar options
Order number discrepency resolved with tracking number emails
4.4.14 ver. 7.61
Added click thru/opened enhanced reporting for newsletters
Increased the speed of newsletter deliveries
Number of Blog posts definable for rss feed
Archive widget added to Blog display
Blog imported from WordPress added
Image/Document rename function added
Meta Descriptions added to nightly site spider indexer for search
Updated multiple file upload display
3.17.14 ver. 7.6
Fixed issue with ecom category resorting
Added Blog Module
Added Ecommerce Product custom fields
Corrected discrepency between ecom rendered categories and navigation build out
Country/State specific shipping methods enabled
Update auto build XML sitemap to include all ecom products when navigation is saved
Order delete added to ecommerce
Update notice behavior changed to slide navigation down rather than cover it
2.12.14 ver. 7.5.9
Corrected display with Reminder sent log
Added flag for purchasers to select Residential delivery option for realtime shipping
Bug with transaction type value display fixed
Fixed issue with product specific ship/handle not working
Replaced glitchy Silverlight multi-file upoader with HTML 5 version
Added cart total to Mini cart
Retail vs. Negotiated rate toggle added for UPS and FedEx shipping
Minor bug fixes
1.28.14 ver. 7.5.8
Categorization of Quick pricing added
Quick order process review added to ecom dashboard
Added some data filtering to Product Image names
Numerous updates to FedEx real-time shipping rates
Added purchase based shipping to custom types for multiple shipping methods
Fixed display and functional issue with multiple listed options displaying for a single product
12.20.13 ver. 7.5.7
Custom shipping service now allows order level value to add as handling/default shipping to product group
Coupon begins date added and expires date now supports time of day
Various bug fixes
Added maintenance alert messaging
Link URL added to Data Elements to build out custom page links
User management expanded for data listings with more permission objects
11.23.13 ver. 7.5.6
Directory listing display labeling updated
Updated display for sale products
Numerous minor bug fixes
Fixed Cancel order issue
Newsletter history results can be exported to Excel
Added Opened and Clicked results to individual email listings for newsletter history
Updated quick shipping to only show Retail products
Fixed shipping for Purchase based with shipping types
10.30.13 ver. 7.5.5
Gallery link added under Images/Docs in navigation
New gallery list display for easier gallery editing and presentation
New add gallery functionality added
Added alpha sort to directory dropdown selection
Save and Close function added to gallery edit
Added Image upload to gallery edit modal
Made Image/documents display full height
Base code updated enhanced to allow by site execution
Gallery image rendering is now search engine friendly
Form submissions can be displayed and exported based upon a date range
Added response to live preview when URL is empty
Improved navigation save performance
10.15.13 ver. 7.5.4
Fixed custom link render issue with ecommerce links
Corrected save layout publish pending contect bug
Added Custom link persistent behavior to navigation
Preview for review site available from main navigation
Performed code optimization for improved performance
Company name added to overview for admin purposes
Added Analytics field to site overview for tracking
Implemented improved navigation building system
Corrected unpublish selected file deletion
Fixed error with layout save publish persistence error
Updated ecom order export feature with more appropriate fields
9.30.13 ver. 7.5.3
Updated delete functionality to options that are associated with products
Added additional shipping box sizes
Fixed delete issue with ecom repeater layouts
Title sort order added to ecom layout repeaters
Ecom repeater dropdown binding issue resolved
8.7.13 ver. 7.5.2
Added configuration to International and Local Payments types
Allow international locations to be treated as Local
Corrected zoom thumbnail display issue for ecommerce
Insert folder path added for data elements field
Tooltip added for image/doc folder in data elements pop-up
Added drag/drop resort ability to directory listings
Updated product import with additional fields and update capability on SKU
Added Local vs International payment types
Added 3 Day Select shipping for UPS
6.13.13 ver. 7.5.0
Added Logging to form processor
Added search to data elements
Fixed navigation encoding to UTF-8 from ASCII
Corrected log-in redirect with review site
Updated UPS real-time shipping to support dimensional shipping, multiple products in a single box and one product can ship in multiple boxes
Fixed Newsletter inline form inserter for .NET
Added Unpublished selected to page manager
Added Republish all Published pages to page manager
5.1.13 ver. 7.4.9
Added free shipping location exclusion for coupons
Data Elements reference added to page edit, special functions insert dialog
Split Check out process from estimating process for information gathering
Fixed image size issue to match ecom template size
Added quick product option selection
4.3.13 ver. 7.4.8
Repositioned buttons on ecom checkout pages
Shipping error messaging can now be customized
Zipcode zone support added
Added an additional shipping type
Corrected issue with Quick inventory negative values not displaying
Added logged in user information to order transactions when available
Fixed error with Save Product and Add New
Added select all/deselect all for Quick shipping
3.8.13 ver. 7.4.7
Updated formatting for email form submissions
Fixed image editing renaming issue
Corrected Top product count display to better reflect order activity
Meta Description and Page Title added to Category and Products
Added sort order for product option association
Optimized ecom display and reduced load times
Products now have types to accelerate adding new products
1.3.13 ver. 7.4.6
Corrected XML sitemap encoding issue
Fixed display conflict with IE 8 and calendar management
Added additional page function support to cloned pages
Listings can now be tied to dynamic fields for Data Elements
Added multiple day scheduling to event calendar
Page mapping now supports custom pages
Fixed Ecommerce zoom image issue
11.29.12 ver. 7.4.5
Surveys converted to .NET
Added thumbnail view for product options in ecommerce
Fixed bug with new image replacement upload not displaying properly
Fixed issue with folder deleting
Corrected Bill Pay issue for .NET conversion
Fixed bug with hyperlink paths in textareas within Data Elements
Updated Data Elements code builder output functions
10.29.12 ver. 7.4.4
Fixed issue the Page Mapping for .net pages
Shipping can now be configured for split or common only shipping methods by product
Add validation for shipping on checkout
Bug fixed for tile gallery display for .net sites
Add a bypass to product details when only one product within a category
Corrected issue with zoom image when using product options
Fixed orphaned page issue when deleting an ecommerce category
Corrected category list display order issue for product association
Exported csv file added for orders that can interface with QuickBooks thru 3rd party software
10.8.12 ver. 7.4.3
Delete page bug fixed for .net pages
Ecom dashboard recent orders now show values with taxes and shipping
Order number added to tracking number email notice
Import inventory feature added
Expanded the field length for Image names for products
Added SKU display to shopping cart
Order email notice updated with SKU, custom fields and reformatted
Updated form for redirect override
Quick Inventory updated for single management display
Inventory report added for sold vs. inventory remaining for a definable timeframe
Ecommerce email order alert updated and user defined fields added
Bug fix to pages not deleting properly
9.25.12 ver. 7.4.2
Added image label and style for ecommerce product display
Fixed Quick product shipping bug for realtime
Modal removed for image manager and moved it to a full page
Product export converted to .NET
8.22.12 ver. 7.4.1
Fixed issue with page history
RSS feed available for newly edited pages at rss.xml
Robots no follow added to restricted pages
Corrected profile group page log-in issue
Added logging for groups login
Corrected numerous form issues with .NET conversion and Data Elements
Added newsletter alert indicator when page is unpublished
Image folder selection now persists when insert image is reopened
Moved page manager to it's own page, not a modal
Improved save performance of page content editing
7.24.12 ver. 7.4
Increased number of products in category display
Quick inventory added
Mutliple auto apply coupons allowed
DTS real-time shipping added
Added quick copy of address from packing list
FedEx real-time shipping added
Multiple shipping carriers allowed with single order
Logo added to merchant packing list
Newsletter system converted to .NET framework
Ecommerce system converted to .NET framework
6.4.12 ver. 7.32
Drop ship vendors enhanced
Product layout and repeater edit capability added
Navigation system enhanced with improved performance
Image swap for product options implemented
5.2.12 ver. 7.31
Fixed issue with advanced product values displaying
Added open in new window flag to navigation external link
Oversize value added to Merchant
Corrected display of .NET version site layout thumbnail
3.21.12 ver. 7.3
Converted Groups to .NET
Added product preview from admin side
Corrected unassociated category display
Added additional text area for ecommerce category display
Event management switched to .NET for the display side
Calendar display profiles added for custom and category based calendars
Added Banner Quick Report
Navigation icon available for ecommerce categories
1.31.12 ver. 7.2
Added Multiple Data Objects reference to parent Data Object
System builds parallel ASP and ASP.NET website code
Sites can be switched between ASP or ASP.NET deployment
Data Elements listings now alpha sorted
Administration level Data Objects auto script builder added
12.30.11 ver. 7.16.4
Updated Google sitemap generation to include product categories
Added select all option to product shipping options
Corrected Page mapping issue with home page
Updated ecommerce save order process to use .NET
11.28.11 ver. 7.16.3
Updated the newsletter schedule grid display
Corrected save navigation from adding external links to sitemap xml
Added Custom Head Code tag to advanced page details
Edit page added to newsletter grid display
Newsletter add subscriber to group from subscriber list by batch
Fixed bug with file upload
Corrected display issue of uploaded files for form submissions
Added additional local user policy security to dashboard
Updated ecommerce new product to auto associate the category the user has pre-selected
Coupon redemption now displays on packing list
11.9.11 ver. 7.16.2
Added ability to set filename when creating a page
Data Element Objects can now cross reference each other
Save & New added to ecommerce product saving
Page filenames can now be edited
10.21.11 ver. 7.16.1
Fixed issue with shipping information not displaying on packing list in some circumstances
Trailing blank page removed from packing list
Corrected duplicate page create when turning on modules
Added Customizable Categorization to Events
Fixed display of Coupon on transaction and print view
10.17.11 ver. 7.16
Fixed form strangeness with input selection on review side of website within VSM
Added Page Icon green help balloon to Edit mode of editor
Fixed issue with Navigation remove and inability to readd without saving
Improved Super Admin function and performance
Moved add basket over to .net processing and improved performance
Added option to add to cart without taking the user to the cart page
Template archive save history can now be recalled and resaved
Auto building of module pages added when a new module is assigned to a site
9.25.11 ver. 7.15
Correct ecom navigation display issue with categories
Reprogramming Newsletter send process to improve efficiency and robustness
Fixed "Editor" access issue to root folder
Reminder Service added to Event Management
Events admin updated with new time selection and display
8.29.11 ver. 7.14
Fixed sorting "jumping" issue when adding products to category
SKU now displays for product in tooltip for category association
Alpha product name and SKU sort and save added to category edit
Added multiple group selection to newsletters
Updated newsletter management interface
Domain expiration checker added and displays in dashboard
8.22.11 ver. 7.13
Newsletter import updated to skip previous opt out emails
Corrected list display requery after product save
Fixed issue with shipping method not persisting for shipping type
Added some validation to db form set-up
Corrected issue with Newsletter sending when page referenced is deleted
When a processor is created it now can auto add the form database
Incrementing duplicate pagenames in more efficient way
Updated event calendar look and added validation to subject
Added event expiration and auto available dates
7.26.11 ver. 7.12
Added timed page publishing
Corrected issues with editor removing HTML content
Fixed display issue with Groups showing when they shouldn't in the page manager
Added mini shopping cart option
Fixed delete page folder issue
Corrected UTF-8 render issue with newsletters
Saving template message now displays
Fixed issue with non images in gallery
Multipage delete added to page manager
Added Group log-in view to products
Site template will now default select
Deleting a page from the page editor now redirects to the dashboard
6.27.11 ver. 7.11
Prelude area added for Ecom Category
Real time UPS shipping added
Added Gallery selection to product and category display
Corrected the style UI display issue between the preview version and editor
Fixed ecommerce category page creation and rename problem
Added Preview for ecom categories
Custom image size definitions added for ecom layout templates
Corrected issue with recurring events not deleting properly
Fixed various minor display issues and bugs with new ecommerce solution
Dashboard now displays publish pending status for pages
Converted form processing page to .NET and improved performance
5.25.11 ver. 7.1
Converted all ecommerce to .NET
  1. New e-commerce dashboard
  2. Improved workflow for adding products
  3. Simplified category creations
  4. Combined Store management to a single screen
  5. Merged Transactions to a single screen
  6. Added product searching and grid sorting
  7. Warning messages added to incomplete or incorrect product set-up
  8. Added ecom alert email from overview to ecom > store
  9. Product import system completely reworked
Fixed issue with adding user from assign to folder
Added page preview to page manager
Conditionally displaying newsletter option for add page
Page Manager now displays publish pending
Added Content Template support to autobuild pages
Robots no-follow added to review copy
Added folder location to gallery
Added reindex button to gallery to rebuild images
Corrected display issue with YouTube embedded content
Fixed issue with page handler not being set properly for ecommerce product pages
4.5.11 ver. 7.04
Added Excel export to Form data store
Tiny Editor updated to 3.4.1 version
Added FAS POS support
Fixed issue with sticky footer not working in preview
Added Google frame to IE 8 non-compatible areas
Site specific search and replace added to admin
Bug with IE edit mode being blocked is fixed
3.18.11 ver. 7.03
Fixed bug with Newsletter Diagnostics edit email
Added custom error pages and removed annoying script alerts
Improved performance within the page editor
Added special functions "push" ability
Corrected issue with loading page content layout
Fixed issue with page content layout not saving
Added a delete selected to data element's listings
Friendly Page Name added to Cloned Page display
Cloned page edit now allows for template selection
3.1.11 ver. 7.02
Add WYSIWYG editor to Directory textareas
Corrected delete publication record issue
Fixed Default field reset issue with Directory import
Corrected issue with banner campaign delete orphaning banner to zone reference
Added validation to Gallery inserter
Fixed friendly page name issue with cloned pages
User logging and active user report re-implemented
Newsletter Groups now IE8+ compatible
Publication Import displays dropdown selection correctly when referencing multiple directories
Corrected cryptic Newsletter "send now" sequence
IE compatibility added to Publication Import
Added publishing of companion pages to advanced page edit area
2.18.11 ver. 7.01
Added move page to folder from Page Manager
Fixed issue with External links showing in recently edited
Multiple page add functionality implemented
Publish All pages added to Website > Restore & Backup
IE 8 & 9 navigation sorting issue resolved
Review site preview added to editor toolbar
Corrected display issue with IE incorrectly displaying banner placements
Fixed shifted calendar display issue
Enhanced security for admin level user access
Fixed page lock list display
Enhanced Page Manager search to include pageid and friendly page name
Deleting a page now rebuilds the navigation
Publications displays the most recently added record at the top
Corrected clone file path replacement issue
Increase the editor viewable area
Restricted template width to 950 pixels
Added scrolling to numerous modal windows
2.9.11 ver. 7.0
MAJOR Release with all new look and feel as well as other notable enhancements listed below
New image editor using Pixlr
Page Management updated with new search and filtering
Folder user permissions updated and easier to use
Module permission manager added
Page editor completed redeveloped
  1. Preview and Edit toggle added
  2. Navigation allowed within editor
  3. Image manager opens in modal so edited page is still available
  4. Recently edited page list available
  5. Log in dashboard added
  6. Moved Form Submission view to modal pop-up
Moved Navigation system to .NET and added cross browser support
Product Import/Export moved to .NET
Data Elements available for insert into web page
reCaptcha form validation added
Google XML sitemap autobuilds within navigation system
Page locking now offers release requests and messaging between users
8.25.10 ver. 6.41
Page save history with restore feature added
Various issues with page saving resolved
Auto generate image alt tags, keywords and description
7.29.10 ver. 6.4
Friendly page name support!
Page mapping for migrated pages to VSM
7.8.10 ver. 6.36
Fixed Import default field reset issue
IIS project integration
Added Page list for image where used with link to page edit
Moved Calendar system to .NET with enhancements (significant update to module)
6.2.10 ver. 6.35
Moved Template editing to .NET with feature enhancements
Moved Forums over to .NET with improvements
Corrected issue with Homepage not generating PDF on demand
Move Site overview to .NET and improved function and performance
4.29.10 ver. 6.34
Correct dropped values in the email form submission
On demand full website backup and archiving available
Added padding for tile gallery
Fixed image path issue for subweb sites
3.30.10 ver. 6.33
Email bounce tracking added for newsletters
New Newsletter history report added
Email account management added for newsletter sending
Image Copy updated so that image references not changed as with Move
Newsletter click thru tracking added
Opt out tracking by newsletterid added
Newsletter view tracking added
Image library subweb path issue fixed
2.25.10 ver. 6.32
Resort added to directory listings
Multi-file upload available for published website forms
Added download handler to images/documents
Fixed issue with documents not insertable
Updated insert form to include additional fields
Increased width of form viewable area
Default insert link now inserts image instead of form
Updated Subscriber import - more robust, results reporting.
1.29.10 ver. 6.31
Filename for images/documents is clickable and shows filepath
Added Flash Gallery
Updated File Attachment to show files uploaded within the form.
Gallery dropdown navigation added to Image/Doc library
Resend Email available in newsletter send log
Opt out newsletter log added
Moved Current Users to .NET
Added page lock release page
Cloned page rename available
Fixed issue with Cloned page preview on review side
12.30.09 ver. 6.3
Eliminated email import duplications with import utility
Updated editor to new MCE version
Correct IE 8 issue with gallery type selection display
Data import now supports horizontal data storage
Added Newsletter History management
Enhanced Newsletter send now to log send results
Dynamic field display updated for same line rendering
Image selection available for dynamic fields
Added Gallery selection to dynamic fields
Dynamic images updated to show blank image if none exist
Corrected base domain redirect issue
Updated labels for emails on site overview
11.19.09 ver. 6.21
Delete image added to Gallery view
Fixed restricted admin user image library folder view
Resort of images enhanced and simplified on Gallery interface
Corrected issue with ecommerce coupon redemption inconsistency
11.13.09 ver. 6.20
Corrected issue with IE 8 image insert issue
Added email obfuscation to editor linking utility
Delete banner campaign added.
Added site configuration for 3rd party mail server authentication for email forms
Moved all subweb templates over to .NET and reprogrammed image generator
Added multi image upload
Reworked user manager
Added dropdown selection of Shipping carriers for tracking numbers
9.23.09 ver. 6.19
Improved add/edit subscriber for newsletters
Numerous ui style updates
Added MP3 support within editor
New publications module added with dynamic data field creation
8.17.09 ver. 6.18
Added Shipping Label printing to ecommerce orders
Correct Image where used dropped reference issue
Added Zone shipping to Ecommerce for auto pricing support
7.31.09 ver. 6.17
Multiple Galleries can now be added to pages
Editor menu simplified
Insert Document quick link added
Added insert Gallery to editor
Reconfigured Image library and editor insert
Increased the treshold to 4 navigation levels deep for search results
Corrected site search to exclude navigation items
6.16.09 ver. 6.16
Delete folder available in image/doc area
Repeating of listitems in dropdown corrected
Gallery insert moved to editor and simplified
Newsletter Processor feature added
Email receipt upon newsletter sign-up available
Reduced Newsletter set-up process
5.27.09 ver. 6.15
Group Management process simplified and improved
Added IP access level to groups
Enabled image border color
Added sizing for table cell borders
Removed blank image description update alert
5.11.09 ver. 6.14
Form Processor module added
Email sender receipts added and customizable
Editor Form insert combined into one dialog
Db and email form processing removed from editor
All form processing now processed through module and forms simplified
4.28.09 ver. 6.13
Page editor now cross browser capable
Added support for Flash files within banner
Moved Banner management to .NET
Corrected issue with gallery description display
Gallery pushed with new site build and cloning
Added confirmation to paste function in editor
4.2.09 ver. 6.12
Added image selection to background for table, tr, td, and divs in editor
Ecommerce Category Image selection updated
Product Image selection updated including save data and image at same time
Category image display dynamically generated
Display of Product image now generated as one
image with border, soldout and base image
Product/Category image padding now unnecessary, auto-sizes
Image used now displays in image library to indicate the image is being referenced
Copy to folder now added in image library
Resize images as new thumbnail now added in image library
Fixed sold out category display error
Restricted access to certain folders in image library
2.12.09 ver. 6.11
Added hyperlinks to gallery main photo
Inline text editor plugged in to description area of gallery tool
Restricted Group Manager members to unique usernames
Script tag insert issue resolved in editor
HTML insert dialog fixed for dropped tags
Paypal processer added as option for Ecommerce
Pixel ruler inserted below editor toolbar
Template Content width restriction added per template
CSS template added to slide show and pop-up page types
Special character display issue resolved
2.6.09 ver. 6.1
Correct display of Powered by
Added Image/Document Library image selection to Directory module
Changed font size to use pt values
Added HTML editor inserter
Corrected hyperlink popup issues and bad path
1.22.09 ver. 6.0
Launched new editor
  • Right click ability
  • Style support
  • Enhanced keyboard shortcuts
  • Expanding properties
  • Hyperlinks combined into single interface
  • Improved media inserter
  • Absolute positioning
  • Added table functions
  • Paste from Word autoclean
  • Improved UI
Mass online image resize added
Downloadable Windows based image resize utility available
12.16.08 ver. 5.39
Gallery tool enhanced with multiple display modes and styles
Mass online image resize added
Downloadable Windows based image resize utility available
11.25.08 ver. 5.38
Find page added
Gallery creation tool added
10.24.08 ver. 5.37
Image management reworked
  • added crop to image edit
  • folder support
  • pop-up for images
  • upload from image display
  • inserting into editor
10.15.08 ver. 5.36
Newsletters can now be added inline to forms
Product price auto calculates with option selection
Updated state selection for ecom
GeoCoding added for shipping address (WA only)
Made shipping dropdown a validated field
Cannot check out now if invalid shipping set-up
Custom field and title support for ecommerce check out
8.27.08 ver. 5.35
Send on demand newsletter
Improved Newsletter user interface added as processor option
Sale price now displays along with base price for associated products.
Adding of subscriber from ecom without being checked corrected
Fixed duplicate entries for subscriber
Newsletter option default checked on checkout page
New import tool for newsletters
8.14.08 ver. 5.34
Fixed issue with incompatible shipping options
Added browser detection so only IE can be used in admin area
Sale price now displays along with base price
Destination Based Tax for ecommerce orders
6.26.08 ver. 5.33
Adjusted coupons so auto apply occured after coupon redemption code
Updated file push system
Enhanced lightbox feature in editor
Allow image upload for product options
5.20.08 ver. 5.32
Fixed issue with state write-in when US selected in ecom
Coupon Manager added for ecommerce
Fixed forum registration issue
Added additional Protection against SQL injection on input fields
Corrected Continue shopping from cart redirect issue
5.08.08 ver. 5.31
Corrected Array error in inventory
Charge in EFS now saving without settle displaying
Fixed Settle issue with EFS
Corrected the possibility of duplicate orders in VSM
Merchant info available on packing slips
Added Additional company fields to Merchant information
Main navigation fly over issue fixed in ecom edit mode
Added additional companion page
Fixed inventory for product with no options
4.30.08 ver. 5.3
Fixed blank field entry for Order based shipping
Added Order export capability
Print Batch Orders now available
Order print from PDF available by each order
Reworked ecommerce order process codebase
File restore from archive history, up to one week old.
Published file revert to edit copy now added
Enhanced content based search added
Site monitoring utility added for Efinity tracking of broken links
Performance increase of up to 50%+ on directory saving
4.7.08 ver. 5.29
Tracking Numbers now available for ecommerce orders
Added Tagline to the site overview area and template
Added % ver. $ increases for location based shipping
Update and enhanced main admin navigation
Correct slow site redirect from
Add Inventory management for ecommerce
3.10.08 ver. 5.28
Fixed issue with int'l orders not displaying shipping info on confirm page and email alert
Error handling for real-time cc processing added to insure order tracking
Fixed subscription error
Require of Expiration Date and Month for ecom
Disable of order button for click once functionality
Added "Not for Sale" option for products
Fixed issue with "Out of Stock" not displaying on ecom product pages.
1.25.08 ver. 5.27
Ability to add subscribers to newsletter from ecommerce checkout
Added image upload function to forums
Resorted the topic list by last posted date
Added edit of profile functionality
10.24.07 ver. 5.26
Display time and date of form submission for db forms
Added delete button to form submission
New ecommerce template added
Associated options available to add to cart with product
Corrected display issue with newsletter submission
Newsletter sign-up error corrected
Database form management bug fixed
10.4.07 ver. 5.25
Comments added to order view list
Companion page added
Fixed Quick product payments
Added Lightbox gallery options
Style options added to product image selection
Product template with rotating images
Featured product special category handling
PDF emailed forms capability added.
5.10.07 ver. 5.249
Sort Order and Description added to Product Options in ecom
Added REL attribute to Image properties
Database form option now available
Form viewable from order manager
Sales email address in overview now used for ecommerce
CSV file generator for newsletter subscriber list
Send email report generates after newsletter sends
1.11.07 ver. 5.248
Opt out of Groups or complete option available on Newsletters
Added P and remove formatting to Headers
12.12.06 ver. 5.247
Added H1-H7 to editor
Tag Name parent structure visible below editor
11.30.06 ver. 5.246
Corrected Ecommerce cookie cart detection
Updated flash insert script
Added City, State to Directory display for another instance
11.2.06 ver. 5.245
Added delete button for groups
Reorganized group listing
Expanded the amount of characters for Meta Info
Delete all available for Newsletter groups
Fixed alternating row colors for groups, subscribers
Company Name added for Subscribers
City, State & Zip show selection for directory
Delete and delete all available for Groups
Company Name added for Members
Updated Newsletter subscriber import speed
Fixed alternating row colors for groups, members
Corrected sort order for directory list
10.19.06 ver. 5.244
Put in a cookie checker for ecommerce
9.15.06 ver. 5.243
Flash files can now be inserted within the editor
Quicktime files inserter created for editor
Added surname to contact info
8.29.06 ver. 5.242
Added Middle Initial to contact table
8.7.06 ver. 5.241
Ecom quantity based pricing basket update error corrected
Subweb meta description and keyword escape char. error corrected
8.1.06 ver. 5.24
Directory Listing import utility added
Corrected ecom quick pricing non-group error
Fixed product save errors for new VSM installs
7.14.06 ver. 5.23
Paste from Word function added to editor
Corrected table background image display in newsletter emails
Added Export utility for directory listings
Credit card cleaning utility auto run enhanced
Newsletter subscriber import utility added
7.10.06 ver. 5.22
Added button to make billing address preload from shipping - ecom
Four custom fields added to check out page for orders - ecom
Group Member recorded within order if logged in - ecom
7.7.06 ver. 5.21
Insert HTML added to WYSIWYG editor
Added test on demand for newletters
Estimating on E-com now sends email with details
Upper Admin file push utility for website syncing
Enhanced form email result display
Two additional subweb templates added
6.1.06 ver. 5.2
User definable products for donations and bill pay
Multiple payment types now supported
Products can be made non-shippable
Estimates offered on ecommerce via the wishlist
Enhanced shopping cart functionality and look & feel
Updated taxation on shipping calculator
Corrected coupon allocation error
Products have taxable and non-taxable attributes
Wishlist available within ecommerce
Added wholesale pricing via groups within ecommerce
5.23.06 ver. 5.14
Corrected order value calculation error on (shipping+subtotal)*tax
Enhanced validation scripts for State fields on ecom
Corrected reciept email price total error
Added Newsletter Email Validator
Reduced save navigation processing time
4.18.06 ver. 5.13
Flexible tax on subtotal or subtotal + shipping - ecom
International shipping capabilities - ecom
Product Options whole value bug corrected to display dollars and cents
Delete Group Member bug corrected
3.31.06 ver. 5.12
Directory categories now editable once associated
Zip files now allowed for upload
Search Keywords added to listings for directory system
Group Manager integrated into directory system to allow end user editing of listings
2.27.06 ver. 5.11
A zero price value changes the ecom product status so the price doesn't display and it cannot be added to the cart
Presets added for ecommerce style sheets
Additional text added for products
Added e-commerce template 41
Added e-commerce template 22
Added e-commerce template 21
Enhanced products with specific ecom and page template capabilities
Top level navigation directory list added
Page level images now available within the page properties to use in Pro site template
Supporting navigation icons now supported
12.31.05 ver. 5.1
Corrected sort order display issue for ecom associated products
Added delete function to banners
Questions and answer sets added to directories
All module inserts now display approximate area of use in editor with descriptive text of the module's funtion.
Multiple directory elements now supported within a single page
Cross directory search capability added
Directory search result set enhanced with additional display options
12.13.05 ver. 5.0
Clone site utility updated
Directory system added
Corrected Iframe target display issue
VSM Plus product now offered
Corrected page template save from editor error
Template 40 for E-commerce added
Ecommerce template image screen shot examples available
Corrected ecom delete image ghost issue
Fixed coupon redemption issue
11.17.05 ver. 4.8
Added Company Name field to ecom ordering
Corrected Order display error by truncating shipping price
Added Handstand template
Banner module 1.0 added to system
11.4.05 ver. 4.7
Group Manager module launched
Added PDF creation to any webpage on pro accounts
Iframe support available for subwebs
Express Minimalist template added
Reengineered WYSIWYG hyperlinking process
Royal Express template added
Added targets for linking
Iframe name linking now supported
Gray Bar template added
Container within a container copy/paste issue resolved
10.20.05 ver. 4.64
Added quantity field to ecom template 30
Corrected email address error on ecommerce email reciept
Doubled default Pro disk space to 100MB
Allow MP3, XML and M3U files to be uploaded
Multiple document upload now available
Added Snow Ghost Template to system
9.27.05 ver. 4.63
Corrected Homepage data access page issue
Added page template selection to Newsletters
Added DC in shipping selection for E-commerce
Page Templates can now be saved from the page editor
CVV2 Billing input available on e-com check out
Added Pumpkin VSM Express template
9.9.05 ver. 4.62
Corrected calendar display issues
Added Survey module
Corrected e-commerce e-mail receipt formatting
CSS templates are now auto available in the editor mode
Added error handling for incorrect e-mail address on thank you page
Ecommerce page is now deleted when the category is deleted
8.25.05 ver. 4.61
Added Vintage Interior Express template
Address 2, Cardtype, and last 4 digits of credit card now display in orders
Corrected EFS resuffle to declined orders issue
8.15.05 ver. 4.6
Look and feel of VSM interface modified
New VSM main navigation
VSM toolbar user interface updated
Toolbar funtion interruption when table and image selected "floats" behind, fixed
8.2.05 ver. 4.55
Enabled ecom preferences on supporting check-out pages
Corrected Long Title, Short Title character limit issue
Check out page phone field now required
Renamed Category Titles for usability
Corrected Category image upload issue
CSS editing enabled for template
7.22.05 ver. 4.54
Added preview to E-commerce categories
Support for more than one dynamic element within a page
Fixed ' in filename edit load issue
6.24.05 ver. 4.53
Added EFSnet as a CC processor
Enhanced system security for CISP compliance
New transition effects available for slideshows
6.9.05 ver. 4.52
Subscriber list filtered by group
Updated Editor toolbar with dropdown menu items
Enforced page name and alt page name input length limits
6.1.05 ver. 4.511
Page level template admin creation
Added page level template selection to page layout upon creating a page
5.26.05 ver. 4.51
Added calendar utility for event scheduling
List all events feature
Updated site creation to auto build all preferences db tables.
5.17.05 ver. 4.501
Added additional EFS processor (Concord)
Processor information storage reconfigured
Corrected product list sort order issue
Fixed subweb bad image path for non-domain
5.8.05 ver. 4.5
Reconfigured ecommerce structure to remove legacy issues
Added multiple product/category display templates
Added page template selection for individual categories
New ecom template interface for customizing the category/product display
Created single multi-function file processing for cart
Added SKU for products
Image upload for categories fully supported
Updated navigation to support e-com pages to be added as normal pages
Added icon identfication for pages within navigation
Updated Ecom Account Information to allow for customizable elements (not fully integrated)
Added SKU label to Account Information
Updated template section to support button template creation
5.2.05 ver. 4.48
Corrected stats compile error
Fixed moderator selecting by site
Added display on site option for newsletter groups
Corrected Newsletter image display issue
Restricted available newsletters to published only
4.19.05 ver. 4.47
Forum admin area navigation links and functions corrected
Delete available for posts by admin or moderator
Moderator now active
Moderator can approve or remove posts
Can view unpublished posts
Forums now have a moderator assigned to them
Moderator is notified when a post is added
Forums can be set to manually or auto publish posts
Emails sent to postee of manually published posts
Delete Topics and all posts below
Delete Forums and all topics and posts below
Profiles can now be removed
Spell check required on posts
Bad word exclude filter active
4.15.05 ver. 4.46
New shipping preference of Order ver.. By Product based
Added select all for product shipping options
Corrected path publish break error on Slides and pop-ups
Multiple image support for products
Delete image now available for e-commerce
.jpeg now uploadable for products and image library
4.7.05 ver. 4.45
Bread Crumbs now supported with [#BREADCRUMBS#] param
Reduced document weight of editor and page lists by 6%
Alternate page name can be specified for page title
Hyperlink checker available in editor toolbar
Updated Path correction for folder based pages
Added Form processing special functions page
Resorted navigation available page list to alphabetical
Combined add, delete column and add, delete row to single control
Added form element button - functions not fully implemented
Site manager page list now alpha listed by name for non-subweb pages
3.23.05 ver. 4.44
Added new Kick template
Corrected subweb table missing background image library issue
Updated table background image to include none
3.08.05 ver. 4.43
Newsletter module added for Pro accounts
Ecom vendor e-mail error resolved
Thread template added to subwebs
Added JSpell spell check utility
Updated slide show table offset display to reduce footprint
2.18.05 ver. 4.42
Dropship order capability added to Ecommerce
Added 3 Templates to VSM Express
Updated print format for orders
Adjusted Forum set-up process
1.28.05 ver. 4.41
Added Real-time Credit Card processing through jetCHEX
Updated e-commerce for further automation of set-up
Corrected Super/Portal Admin site save issue
1.21.05 ver. 4.4
Forums Beta ver. 1.0 added to VSM Pro and above
Enhanced transaction Ecommerce admin security
Increased security by disallowing embedded code
Updated Ecommerce with special functions easy insert or ecommerce pages
Revamped Ecommerce file structure for client websites
12.31.04 ver. 4.332
Updated Navigation build scripts to rebuild all templates and pages upon navigation save from the navigation editor
Corrected Subweb account usage display
Updated product import/export scripts
Made help icons more evident
12.7.04 ver. 4.331
Corrected traffic log compile error
11.20.04 ver. 4.33
Product import utility created for e-commerce
Export product list available in Commerce section
Additional shipping option supported of "By product + Purchase based"
11.9.04 ver. 4.32
Access Code added to user manager
Added scale to stats graph and corrected graph display error
Updated pagination display options for ecom products
Added ecom preference to restrict billing address to equal credit card address
Corrected shopping cart content sharing across websites
11.5.04 ver. 4.31
Corrected Ecom product shipping remove save error
Fixed Ecom navigation glitches
Added Ecom Price based Shipping matrix
Updated Ecom Shipping calculator and options
Account preference fields added to Ecom for customization and automation
10.29.04 ver. 4.3
Fixed special character display error
Added Quantity based pricing discounts
Correct Stats auto compile failure
Removed refresh on upload pages
Updated e-commerce process
Added default shipping cost
Updated shipping and tax information calculator
Added foreign language support
10.19.04 ver. 4.23
Added smart page unlocking
Active users now recorded when logged in
10.14.04 ver. 4.22
Page locking added to restrict content overwriting conditions
Similar user names locked out independently
Logging utility to track user log-ins
10.7.04 ver. 4.21
Added Slideshows and Pop-up page types to VSM Express and Home products
Forced www redirect for editor to correct hyper references
Image path reset utility added to page editor
Corrected Root only restriction on Slideshow and Pop-up page types
Created Ecom client preference capability
Pagination added to image library, image insert and image link for library sizes over 100 items
9.15.04 ver. 4.2
Added Website traffic statistics
VSM Home product release
9.08.04 ver. 4.13
Increased subweb folder name length allowance
Added admin user (non Express) image/document upload capability
Limited image editing to jpeg only
8.31.04 ver. 4.12
Correct Admin user sub folder access issue
Upfolder removed when not available
Enhanced System security significantly
Corresponding point values added to font sizes
Added two additional subweb templates
Corrected Navigation sort order on Subwebs
Activated Logo placement on subweb
Dynamic © date added for all subweb templates
8.26.04 ver. 4.11
Corrected Subweb interpage link issue
Fixed image upload redirect
Multi-Image upload restricted to Pro+ users
Added Ecom batch product add template
8.19.04 ver. 4.1
Added on-line image editing
Bookmarks can now be named and images used as anchors
Fixed Document delete error
Corrected Meta data error issue
Added Delete User function
Added auto-fill Meta information for Subweb accounts
8.16.04 ver. 4.0
Special Character support available
Added Line break carriage return function
Corrected Published include file delete issue
Fixed multiple homepage possibility with Pro
Now supporting video file formats
Correct multiple SSL certificate issue on secure pages
Ecommerce module added for VSM Pro
Support advanced function capability
Added form processing support
7.29.04 ver. 3.045
Corrected for Norton Firewall
Pages can now be moved into other folders
Background images now available for tables
7.21.04 ver. 3.044
Documents can now be uploaded
Hyperlink references can be made to internal documents
Added friendly logged-in message with user's name and site
Slide show with manual control pad available
Corrected slide show caching issue
7.15.04 ver. 3.043
Added Table Code Sweeper to clean up pages
Corrected Image insert caching issue
Subweb Company name maximum length error
7.12.04 ver. 3.042
Added external URL definition to Pop-up
Iframe capabilities are now supported
Corrected interpage link error when HTML mode is used
Fixed image path error on subweb domain pointed websites
7.1.04 ver. 3.041
Added Row Up and Down function
Container table now editable
Revised subweb template display
Added 3 additional subweb templates
6.17.04 ver. 3.04
Corrected Overview save error
Enabled domainname support for subweb
Added 5 subweb templates
Created subweb information add/edit section
Added subweb css support
6.14.04 ver. 3.03
Enhanced user security
Corrected subweb admin log-in preview failure issue
Updated navigation labels
6.4.04 ver. 3.02
Added Multiple image upload capability
Added Publish All page capability
Republish all page capability
Auto republish and file edit update feature when template changes are made
6.2.04 ver. 3.01
Added help for editor toobar
Numerous bug fixes within subfolders
Corrected SSL page support on published pages
5.25.04 ver. 3.0
Added Subweb support
Added maximize editarea display toggle
Adjusted toolbar display for more visible work area
5.13.04 ver. 2.931
Corrected table insert, delete and property selection issue
Page metatag updatablity fix
Template level Search module available
5.11.04 ver. 2.93
Removed SSL redirect message
Added Superscript
Subscript now available
Strikethrough added
5.8.04 ver. 2.92
Added Spell Checker ver. 1.0
5.5.04 ver. 2.91
Self Correcting added for inadvertent page corruption
Moved to cookie validation so user timeout no longer an issue
Corrected Slide Show removal runtime error
Removed Slide Show cycle in editor
Corrected Slide Show insert failure on initial slide if more than 1 exist
Corrected erroneous save message when slide show present in editor with no changes pending
Fixed New Page link error in editor
4.14.04 ver. 2.9
Added Pop-up Pages
Slide Show pages added
Special Functions added in editor to insert Pop-ups and Slide shows
Replaced Navigation build system
Corrected orphaned child pages on delete
3.31.04 ver. 2.81
Decreased page save time by 70-80%
Added Horizontal Rule
Justify text added
Tool button controls for Cut, Copy, and Paste - Keyboard shortcuts still available
3.29.04 ver. 2.8
Added table column insert
Added table remove column
Table column span added
Split column span added
Added insert table row
Added delete table row
3.22.04 ver. 2.71
Corrected large HTML file save error
Limited HTML file size to approx. 90 KB
Added Table cell properties dialog
Correct hyperlink issue with HTML/Design mode toggle
Allow table properties dialog without selecting the table object
3.17.04 ver. 2.7
Modified core edit technology
Reduced Editor load time
Reduced Client-side processing requirements
Save allowed when HTML mode
Full width and height for HTML mode
Improved HTML and Design mode toggle speed
Corrected Bookmark link error when Undo/Redo used
Removed horizontal scroll bar and outside window vertical scroll
Modified tool functions so text doesn't need to be highlighted
Added table element layout indicators
Corrected Undo/Redo HTML/Design button display error
Improved Undo level logic
Corrected image border colorchip display to reflect current value
Adjusted editor for 3rd party browser plug-ins so extraineous injected code isn't saved
3.15.04 ver. 2.6
Corrected save page after timeout expires error
Added simple table insert
Added table properties manipulation
3.12.04 ver. 2.59
Added insert page/image into editor
Updated Image Properties Dialog with select image alert
Added Preview page in editor toolbar
Corrected image hyperlink detect failure
Fixed publish page interlink 404 error
3.11.04 ver. 2.58
Moved insert image to editor window
Corrected image insert into parent window background
Slight reduction in image upload load time
3.9.04 ver. 2.57
Modified editor look and feel
Expanded editor window to full size within the editable area
Auto grow edit window to user screen
Updated Color pallete controls for text, highlight and page background
Slight reduction in HTML editor load time
Optimized image library load time
3.8.04 ver. 2.56
Increased editor viewable area
Added Image properties to manipulate hspace, vspace, alt text, border and border color
Steamlined toolbar display
Image resolution quality enhancement
3.4.04 ver. 2.55
Modified bookmark functionality
Updated hyperlink utility to include new browser window capabilities
Quick hyperlink removal feature
3.2.04 ver. 2.54
New Marketing Section available
Added Site usage status indicator
Removed SSL message for log-in redirect
Updated save, delete, add page redirect logic within editor
Corrected save, delete issue of bumping user out of current folder to going to root
Added save page indicator
2.24.04 ver. 2.53
Applied SSL to sensitive site areas
Eliminated nonsecure items warning (SSL)
Restricted robot spidering
Added Version information under Quick Functions > About VSM
2.23.04 ver. 2.52
Updated Image upload utility interface
Added file size to image display
Resolved bad image name error
Significantly decreased load time for image upload display
Added full-size image preview
Thumbnail preview now proportional
Corrected Template image delete function
Resolved Image caching after resize
Added default image size for large images
2.19.04 ver. 2.51
Corrected Font name/size identity
Resolved apostrophe error on file list
Added smart caching to page editor increasing perfomance up to 50%
Corrected Template page color issue
Suppressed Page save alert when no edits made
1.28.04 ver. 2.5
New Color Pallette Property box
Reduced Page Edit load size by ~20%
Corrected link only navigation error
1.21.04 ver. 2.41
Added SSL encryption to admin area
1.15.04 ver. 2.4 Production release
Updated User Manager Editor
Added user defined folder permissions
Updated user types and permissions
1.10.04 ver. 2.3
Added Folder structure to page editor
1.03.04 ver. 2.21
Added Undo/Redo levels (20)
12.21.03 ver. 2.2
Implemented smart image resizing to jpegs on upload
Updated Pallete utility
Reduced page editor download time by 50%
Corrected slow connection edit lock-out
12.02.03 ver. 2.1
Added page to page linking
Added image word wrapping
Cleaned up page editor processing
11.14.03 ver. 2.0 Production release
Added navigation editor
Created portal level capabilities
Allow branding of VSM at portal level
10.20.03 ver. 1.1
Added Website clone process
Update Image upload library to include template images
9.25.03 ver. 1.0 BETA release
VSM initial launch


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